Cost of living in Valparaiso, Chile

Went to the local supermarket today and picked up the following items. Thought I’d post them here as an indication of the cost of living.

So much good, cheap wine.
So much good, cheap wine.

Item Description Chilean Pesos   US Dollars
mayonaise (1 pound) 490 0.98
canned tuna (7 ounces) 660 1.31
mushrooms (7 ounces) 670 1.34
strawberries (1 pound) 990 1.97
cup of instant noodles 479 0.96
butter (1/2 pound) 460 0.91
eggs (1/2 dozen) 649 1.29
loaf multigrain bread (14 ounces) 1,189 2.37
chicken hot dogs (1/2 pound) 545 1.08
canned peas (10 ounces) 225 0.45
milk (1 liter) 490 0.98
yogurt (6 ounces) 198 0.40
orange juice (1 liter) 790 1.58
sliced ham (1/2 pound) 988 1.97
coffee (1/2 pound) 1,979 3.95
turkey breast (1/2 pound) 1,530 3.06
face soap 1,899 3.79
6 large bananas (3.41 pounds) 667 1.33